Hop On The SFR Brigade Midsummer Blog Hop!

Welcome to the Diane Dooley pit stop on the SFR Brigade Midsummer Blog Hop. Please do visit the 30+ other blogs listed here for more chances to stock up on some delicious summer reading fare. If you love science fiction, romance, and the combination of the two, then this is definitely the blog hop for you.

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A Writer in Summer

The summer solstice has arrived, marking the end of the school year and the true start of summer. My garden is planted and all I need to do is water it regularly and weed it occasionally. The children will require endless infusions of ice cream in the vicinity of swimming pools and the dogs will wait for the hottest part of the day before inserting their hot little bodies into my lap. I aim to get a little writing done, but much more reading will be achieved – on comfortable chairs under shady trees, beneath bright umbrellas by sparkling bodies of water, in front of fans while basting in a light glaze of my own sweat. Between books I’ll daydream and plot and plan, gathering the next book into my mind.

At some point I’ll drive the family north to the cabin on the lake. I’ll point the kids in the direction of the swimming dock, then retreat under the canopy on the boat. There, I’ll write one book and rewrite another. I never write so well, so easily as on that boat, with the breeze coming off the lake and the sound of splashing, laughing children. When the kids are brown with sun-bleached hair, it’s time to return home, eat everything out of the garden, get ready for the next school year and edit the heck out of those books.

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Well, that’s the plan, anyway! What about you? Leave a comment telling me about something fun you plan to do this summer and you’ll be entered to win an e-copy of either Blue Galaxy (from Carina Press) or Mako’s Bounty (from Decadent Publishing). Which one would you prefer? I’ll randomly pick two winners – one for each book.

You will also be entered into a drawing for two grand prizes: 1st Prize – a Kindle Touch or Nook Touch, 2nd Prize -a library of science fiction romance titles from over 20 authors (these will be mostly ebooks with one print anthology) and an Anabanana Gift Card.  

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Diane Dooley write science fiction, romance and horror – sometimes all in the same story.  You can find her on Twitter and Facebook

About Diane Dooley

Writer, Mother, Geek
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39 Responses to Hop On The SFR Brigade Midsummer Blog Hop!

  1. pippajay says:

    We’ll probably hit the beach – like you, the kids will stay in the water until they wrinkle while I mull over story ideas. 🙂

  2. imogenenix says:

    Alas for us it is midwinter solstice, so the days mean rugging up against the June/July winds, checking the chicks in the heated brooder box and turning over the vegetable patch in readiness for the spring planting season.

    Happy Solstice!

  3. What a great place to write. I own both books already and am waiting for the next book after Blue Galaxy. I read someplace it is due out in September.

  4. Arlene Webb says:

    What a lovely setting, writing on a boat. I sit and write in a floral shop all summer, hoping the damn phone doesnt ring, with my door open and the sun pouring in. Nothing not to love about summer and nothing not to love hearing about yours. Sounds like two awesome stories I need to add to my must have list.

  5. D L Jackson says:

    I’m totally crushing on your covers. I have Mako’s Bounty but not Blue Galaxy. It is going in the TBR. Happy Summer Solistice.

  6. This summer I head back to Wyoming to see my parents and other family. Hope to do some writing. See the kids (empty nest here) and trying not to think about August. Happy summer!

  7. Artemis says:

    It is too soon for me to make plans for summer. I hope to have some days for vacation. I love your covers and thank you for the giveaways!

  8. raelori says:

    Hope you have fun, Diane! Sounds like a full and exciting summer. 🙂

    Love your book covers btw. So gorgeous and eye-catching!

  9. Jessica Subject says:

    We’re planning to take the kids to the zoo and the beach this summer. And of course, I’ll be writing.

    All the best!
    jessicasubject.writer at gmail dot com
    Blue Galaxy – I’ve already read and loved Mako’s Bounty. 🙂

  10. My vacations aren’t until Sept. and Oct. this year, but we are going to the house my BIL rented on Long Island. So that will be fun. But alas no writing those days. The rest of the time is open for grabs.

    -Kathleen Scott

  11. Hi i’m not doing anything. I want to go with you and your family, I will be the grandmother added to your lovely family for the summer. How about it just email me and let me know when to pack so as to be ready. LOL I mean it!!!! Thanks for the hop. Joannie jscddmj[at]aol[dot]com

  12. VanillaOrchids says:

    Fun, huh? Well, honestly, I don’t have anything fun planned for the summer at this time. LOL
    I would really love a chance to win either book , but if I have to choose one, I’d pick Blue Galaxy.
    Thank you for this opportunity!


  13. Susan W. says:

    I don’t have anything fun planned. I’m on summer break from work and usually that’s when I do work on my house. I would love to win Blue Galaxy! Thanks for the chance!

  14. Miss Kitty Roads says:

    Horseback riding and lots of it! Summer is the only time I can ride around here comfortably.

  15. Shadow says:

    Hmm. What do i plan to do this summer? Have a cookout with my family, go swimming, start a garden, read lots of books, play in the rain and just enjoy! lol Know big plans yet. I live in Michigan, and my mom whats to travel around it and hit a few popular spots. 🙂 Will see! Both of your books sound great! Id love to have either, but if i have to choose one, may i have Blue Galaxy please? Thanks for sharing and for the fun hop!

  16. When we get to mid-summer, it’ll probably be pouring with rain (it does that here) but the air conditioning and the swimming pool will both be inviting. Thanks for sharing a piece of your world.

  17. I’m waiting impatiently for the garden to start providing more than lettuce and the tomatoes to show up at the Farmers Market.

  18. That sounds about right. Except my Summer will include getting my son up each week day and make him take a long walk with me weather permiting of course.

  19. Hywela Lyn says:

    I do envy you your warm weather – and your summer. Here in the UK it looks like being the wettest ‘drought’ on record (really, we had water rationing until a week or so ago!) I’m looking forward to going back to my homeland of Wales next month, to horse, dog and house sit for my sister, and I hope to get lots of writing done while looking out throught the French windows over the beautiful Welsh Mountains, and her paddocks with the horses grazing, the dogs at my feet!
    If it stops raining, I might even go outside and do it, and soak up the good Welsh air!

    Love the covers of your books, by the way!

  20. bookattict says:

    I plan on reading. A lot. At the beach!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  21. Kimber Shook says:

    It’s going to be a stay around the house kind of summer with kayaking mixed in sometime. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. T.K. Anthony says:

    Lots of family time with my husband’s and my respective tribes…while trying to get some writing done! I already have Mako’s Bounty, so if I’m lucky…I’ll take Blue Galaxy, please.

  23. This summer it is writing, writing and more writing. And remodeling my house. I think I need a vacation. 🙂


  24. bn100 says:

    I plan to go to the beach.


  25. bookdaze says:

    Ah summer – does watching the Olympics count? 😉

  26. LisaC says:

    I’m looking forward to plenty of pool time. I would love to read Mako’s Bounty if I am lucky enough to be picked. Thanks for the giveaway.

  27. drmgrl99 says:

    This summer I’m hoping to go to RWA an see a bunch of the authors I love and then maybe a quick trip to Costa Rica for a week or so. Other then that I plan to read all sorts of great books this summer poolside in my backyard 🙂
    Thanks for the chance to win – drmgrl99atyahoodotcom

  28. Liz Semkiu says:

    I plan on trying to catch up on my TBR pile by the pool. I enjoyed Blue Galaxy, so I would love to read Mako’s Bounty if I win. Thanks for the contest.

  29. Diane Dooley says:

    Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. I hope you all have a fantastic summer!

    The winners have been contacted. They are:

    Mako’s Bounty – Lisa C.
    Blue Galaxy – Susan W.

    Grand prize winners will be announced shortly.

  30. Diane Dooley says:

    Actually, grand prize winners will be announced tomorrow. Sorry for the misinformation!

  31. ralfast says:

    I’ll would like to take this chance to thank Diane for all the Tweeter support.

  32. Kyndra Hatch says:

    Sounds like a great summer plan! I hope you and yours have tons of fun. I don’t have much in the way of ‘summer’ plans. Archaeology takes up most of my time whether it’s Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer. Family is coming to visit for the 4th of July, so that will be good summer fun. Have a great summer!

  33. Diane Dooley says:

    Wishing you many cool finds, Kyndra! We’re off to a civil war re-enactment this weekend.

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