A Post-Apocalyptic Holiday Story

I love post-apocalyptic and dystopian fiction. They so often include survivors and rebels – two of my favorite character types – and all kinds of inherent conflict. The characters from these works are diverse, but they all have one thing in common. Hope. Think about it. If you’re struggling to survive, you’re still hoping you’ll be able to. If you’re fighting a repressive regime, you’re hoping you have a chance of winning. Giving up or giving in would be easier, but hope keeps them going.

I’m not a religious person. I don’t have faith. But I do have something I think is even more powerful: hope. My short story, In The Year Twenty Five, is up at Jessica Subject’s blog, and is my attempt at combining the hopefulness of the holiday season with a post-apocalyptic scenario. I’m not sure if I pulled it off. Why not take a read and let me know what you think.

The title, incidentally, is not referencing the 25th of December. Rather, it’s a reference to a song I listened to way too many times as a kid: In The Year 2525.

About Diane Dooley

Writer, Mother, Geek
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7 Responses to A Post-Apocalyptic Holiday Story

  1. Dale Long says:

    Ok, while I read this, on the radio played The Gift, sung by Aselin Debison, and to be quite honest, the last lines of your story gave me a chill. Well done! What a great update on a classic Christmas story.
    I was there, I could see everything. While I wanted to know more, I really don’t need to.

  2. Diane Dooley says:

    Aw, I gave you “a moment.” That makes me very happy. Thanks for reading and commenting, Dale.

  3. I loved that song as a kid. Wonderful short, Diane.

  4. Ha! I love that song. Great story!

  5. kayemanro says:

    Yeah, you pulled it off! Loved the story. Great idea too. That song is popular now – among some of the strange people. Just kidding! But truly it is a strangely weird and also fantastic song for sure. It so fits with your story too. Thanks for sharing it.

    Have a great holiday!

  6. Sealey says:

    Huh, I had never heard that song. But what a great fit for the story. I’m just getting into the post-apocalyptic thing and really enjoying it. Your story?–fabulous! I’m with Dale–chills on the last line. And, similarly, I wanted to know more, too. Yet, I don’t really need to know more. The story has a nice complete feel, it’s just that the world and characters are so intriguing, you know?

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