Interview and Giveaway with Author Julia Knight

My guest today is Julia Knight, whose Ten Ruby Trick was one of my favorite reads of 2011. I reviewed it here. When I heard she had a new release I contacted her and she kindly agreed to answer a few nosy questions. She’s nice like that. Enjoy the interview and read on to learn how to enter the giveaway.  

Dooley: What is a typical day in the life of Julia Knight like?

Knight: Well, I work odd shifts, so no two days are the same! School days start with me putting son’s hair into a bun (yes, you read that right). Once the kids are at school, if I’m not working I write. Thinking about it, all I do is work and write….oh, and play the Star Wars MMO. Is it sad that I play a smuggler named after one of my pirates? Probably is, right?

Dooley: Describe your writing process. What would you change about it if you could?

Knight: The story starts from an amalgamation of things, an idea here, a separate idea there. They come together and then off I go. I usually have a character or two first, and a rough idea of a scene I want to put them in. That’s about as much planning as I do. With the Viking’s Sacrifice, I knew Einar was silent, and that he had a secret. I wrote the story to find out what it was. Not planning can be frustrating at times—especially with a crappy memory like mine—but I’ve tried outlining in advance, and I get 5k into the story and it looks nothing like the outline so I throw it away.

Dooley: Do you have a favorite character from your books?

Knight: I have a big soft spot for all my heroes, but I have to say that Joshing Josie and Van Gast (pirates from Ten Ruby Trick) were the most fun to write. They’re constantly sparking off each other, so their scenes are a blast to do.  Einar, from the Viking’s Sacrifice, is a different sort of hero than I’m used to writing, but I really felt for him. Bless his cottons.

Dooley: What do you think is the most romantic phrase in the English language?

Knight:  ‘I made you a bacon and egg sandwich’. I am a SUCKER for those. Om nom nom.

Lol, okay not really the most romantic, but it’s all about context. Most romantic phrases sound silly/cheesy on their own.

Dooley: What are the last five books you read?

Knight: Sandman Slim, by Richard Kadrey – a bad ass ripsnorter of a UF, Among Thieves, by Doug Hulick, Heartstone by CJ Sansome, Germline by TC McCarthy, Rivers of London, by Ben Aaronovitch.

Dooley: Which authors do you count as your influences?

Knight: Ursula Le Guin, CJ Cherryh, Lois Macmaster Bujold. I love their stuff and hope to be half as good.

Dooley: Describe the perfect alcoholic beverage.

Knight: I love my cider, though I do have a weakness for strawberry daiquiris.

Dooley: Which historical personage do you feel would have deserved to be hung, drawn and quartered?

Knight: I can think of a few politicians…quite a lot actually. It wouldn’t be fair to pick just one smarmy sod.

Dooley: The zombie apocalypse has arrived. Do you survive? Why or why not?

Knight: Oh yeah, I survive. That collection of swords is going to come in handy, and they never run out of ammo. I will make my way to the local pub, a la Sean of the Dead. Luckily it’s only at the end of the road. Hopefully the zombies attack just after the dray has delivered.

Dooley: What’s up next for Julia Knight?

Knight: I’ve got a sequel to Ten Ruby Trick out from Carina Press in the summer. After that, we’ll have to see. I’m thinking Skrymir might have to get a story of his own. And there’s this romantic tragedy sitting on my hard drive that needs a polish….

Dooley: Thanks for visiting and best of luck with your writing.

Julia is being kind enough to give away a copy of her latest release, The Viking’s Sacrifice. The genre is historical romance and is available in either pdf or epub formats. Here’s the blurb:

Viking raiders destroyed Wilda’s home. She witnessed the murder of her mother and would have been killed herself if it weren’t for the Viking boy Einar, who saved her from his ruthless brother. The blood and murder left Wilda cold and shorn of feeling.

Eight years later, the heathens return for Wilda. As a captive in the Viking village, she finds protection and silent comfort in the man who once gallantly saved her.

Einar has been cursed to silence by his brother. With the dark net of his brother’s power cast over their village, silence is a small price to pay for his family’s safety. But Einar is immediately drawn to Wilda, and the need to protect her from his brother awakens his Viking courage. Can Einar break his brother’s curse in time to save the village and the woman he loves?

Does is sound like your cup of tea? Please enter the giveaway by telling us the name and author of the last good book you read. And please feel free to ask the author any questions in comments. 

You can find out more about Julia Knight, her books, reviews and more, at, or follow her on twitter @Knight_Julia

The Viking’s Sacrifice is available from Carina Press and all the usual online retailers.


About Diane Dooley

Writer, Mother, Geek
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13 Responses to Interview and Giveaway with Author Julia Knight

  1. Great interview! Very informative, and the book sounds awesome! Unlike anything I’ve ever read. I’d LOVE a free copy! 🙂 (Can’t buy anything just yet…too close to Christmas. But it’ll go on my list whether I win or not!) Last book I LOVED was Delerium by Lauren Oliver. Excellent book! Of course, I’m reading David Coperfield by Charles Dickens right now and in awe. 🙂

  2. LM Preston says:

    Love your interview and that you put your son’s hair into a bun. The books look great too!

  3. StacieD says:

    The Viking’s Sacrifice sounds lovely Julia! I love Carina Press. I know it’s a fairly new publisher but their quality can’t be beat.

    The last good book I read was All Fall Down by Megan Hart. It isn’t a romance but it is still very powerful emotionally. It’s about a young woman and her children that escape life in a cult and have to adjust to life in the “normal” world. Very thought provoking.

  4. Lavender says:

    ooh…I’ve been hoping for a really good pirate yarn! I’ll definitely check out Ten Ruby Trick and Knight’s other works! 🙂

  5. Michelle says:

    My son has long hair too! He always asks me to put it in a “man-tail”.

    The last good book I read was The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Just finished it yesterday 🙂

  6. Kaye Manro says:

    Very good interview! I love this cover, and I dearly love a good historical — Vikings be still my heart!
    Thanks for introducing us to Juila.

  7. Diane Dooley says:

    You’ve been entered, Kaye. Thanks for visiting.

  8. Diane Dooley says:

    The giveaway is now closed. I’m putting the names in the hat, shaking them around. And the winner is … Michelle!

    Congrats, Michelle. Julia will be in touch.

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