Women in Horror Month: Interview with Actress/Director/Model/Producer/Writer, Rachel Grubb

My final guest for Women in Horror Month is Rachel Grubb, a woman of many talents.

Rachel  appeared as Amy in St Euphoria Pictures’ THE MONSTER OF PHANTOM LAKE. Since then she has acted in numerous independent feature films such as UNHOLY REUNION, TALES OF THE DEAD, and CAVE WOMEN ON MARS. She played a creepy ghost in Dav Kaufmanʼs 13 HOURS IN A WAREHOUSE, and she played the lead role in JP Wenner’s RETINA, which appeared on THE HORROR VAULT DVD. She recently directed her first feature film WHY AM I IN A BOX? from Silent-But-Deadly Productions, the all female production company she runs with her friend Brooke Lemke. Rachel has been an in-studio guest on Maxim Radio’s “Hotties Of Horror” week, and has her own trading card available from TerrorCards.com

Dooley: That’s a very interesting biography, Rachel. What else have you done?

Grubb: Most recently, I have been working on DISCIPLES with Joe Hollow.  I also acted in  CATHARTIC, a short film by my fellow scream queen Devanny Pinn.  And I had roles in THE LOCALS and AMERICAN GIRLS by Eric Pereira.

Dooley: You’re semi-retired from modeling. What was your favorite shoot and why?

Grubb: I have worked with some awesome photographers.  I used to shoot with Heidi Shub a lot.  And we did one where I was a bloody prom queen.  I also shot at a dungeon in Tennessee with John Donegan.  That was fun, because I got to wear a lot of cool latex and vinyl clothing.  I also really liked this shoot I did for Roberto Gamez.  I did it for fun and on a whim at my apartment with no makeup.  It had kind of a seventies feel.  He turned some of them into faux poloroids.

Dooley: What would it take to tempt you out of retirement?

Grubb: A really interesting idea.  Or an opportunity to be featured in a magazine, I suppose.  I enjoyed modeling while I was doing it, but I don’t find it as creatively fulfilling as acting and writing.  It had become more like something I was being hired to do, rather than something I loved.

Dooley: I hear you are getting focused on your writing. What are you working on? What are your writing goals?

Grubb: I am working on several different things right now.  Silent-But-Deadly Productions just wrapped a web series called SAFE WORD, which I wrote.  I am now working on another script based on that, but in a different format.  I am also writing a horror script with my friend Bernadett York, and I’m working on a novel.  One major goal I have is to one day publish a novel.  I have been writing novel length stories since I was in junior high, and I went to school for writing.  I have spent the last several years focusing on acting, but I would like to put more energy into writing.

Dooley: What is your favorite horror novel or short story?

Grubb: It would probably be CHILDREN OF THE CORN by Stephen King.  For some reason, I have always loved a very specific genre of horror, which I call “crop horror.”  It’s about rural villagers who practice  ritual sacrifice for crops.  THE WICKER MAN and HARVEST HOME are in that category as well.  I also like movies and books that feature malevolent children.  CHILDREN OF THE CORN has both of those elements that I love.

Dooley: What do you think of the term “feminist horror?” What sort of thoughts jump to mind?

Grubb: I suppose I think of works that recognize that women are also the consumers of the horror genre.  The result is something that is not made exclusively for the male gaze.  In my opinion, there is more and more work created in the horror genre by men and woman alike.  Horror is no longer seen as something that is just “for the boys.”

Dooley: What have you been reading recently? What’s up next on your to-be-read pile?

Grubb: I have been reading Batman, the KNIGHTFALL saga.  That’s the storyline in which Bane was introduced.  I’m a huge Batman fan, and I’m can’t wait to see the new movie.  When I’m done with that, I’ve got Stephen King’s ROSE MADDER next in line.

Dooley: If money was not a consideration, where would you be taking your next vacation?

Grubb: I would go to London.  I used to live there, and it’s my favorite city in the world, outside of Minneapolis, where I live now.

Dooley: If you were to organize a Women in Horror Film Festival *salivates* what are some films you would be screening?

Grubb: Is it okay if I pick something I was in?  The first one I would like to mention is CATHARTIC by Devanny Pinn.  Devanny is a friend of mine, and a fellow Scream Queen.  I have worked with her for a few years, and CATHARTIC was her directorial debut.  I would also include the classic SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE, with Scream Queen Brinke Stevens.  This film was directed by Amy Holden Jones and written by novelist Rita Mae Brown.  I would also want to include MAY, starring Angela Bettis.  I think May is one of the most interesting female characters I have ever seen in horror.

Dooley: What is the most romantic phrase in the English language?

Grubb: “Sometimes the truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.”  –Batman

Dooley: How do you intend to survive the impending zombie apocalypse?

Grubb: I’m from Minneapolis, so the ideal place for me to go would be the Mall Of America.  Shopping malls are always a good option, and that one has everything, including several floors that would make it very difficult for the zombies to climb.  We would have everything.  Food, movies, clothing, and whatever else you wanted or needed.

Dooley: Thanks so much for visiting, Rachel. Best of luck with all your upcoming projects and endeavors.

Rachel models as Celia Cyanide. You can check out her portfolio here. You can be Rachel’s fan,  keep track of Silent-But-Deadly-Productions’ news and/or check out Rachel’s latest project, Safe Word, on Facebook.  

About Diane Dooley

Writer, Mother, Geek
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4 Responses to Women in Horror Month: Interview with Actress/Director/Model/Producer/Writer, Rachel Grubb

  1. Luke Walker says:

    “Crop horror”…love it. One of the most precise areas of horror I’ve come across. Very interesting interview all round.

  2. Another great post. I’ve loved your whole “Women of Horror” series of interiews. It’s been great getting to know all these interesting ladies.

    Best wishes to Rachel on her endeavors.

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